Hebrews 12:1-3

Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

New freedom

With our new freedom, I can see us getting home more often as rehab is done early to mid afternoon. We appreciate "home sweet home" a little more now Mike


  1. After posting several comments and being told they did not reach you, I am following Carla's instructions and try again. I want you to know how much you have been in my thoughts and prayers. I am starting my day by seeing how you are doing and ask the Lord to continue to sustain and encourage you moment by moment. As you know, I am also in touch with your parents who keep me up to date. With much love, "the Birchermuesli Lady" hope to visit you soon through His Word and I praise the Lord for sustaining you in this difficult journey have followed you every step of the way with loving thoughts and heartfelt prayers. I deeply admire your courage and steadfast reliance on the Lord.

  2. How wonderful! :)
    ~Holly Byker

  3. Celebrating you success… but not surprised!!
    Paying for your shoulder...
    Michelle Kupe

  4. That is fantastic news! You two are an inspiration to us all. God bless!

    Love and Prayers from Bahrain.

    Jeremy and Nicole

  5. Hey Sandra, as I was out kayaking this a.m., I was thinking/praying for you - my kayaking friends keep saying "it is all about strengthening the core!!!" - sound familiar???? - I understand you are quite athletic, and as you are waiting upon the Lord for restoration, I see numerous sports available to you - swimming being one - I know right now it is all about adl's - at the rate you are going you may be looking for new challenges soon enough!?!? - In Christ - Wilma

  6. Good morning Sandra,
    I am praying for your shoulder to heal and for comfort and love and peace for Mike, Julie and Emily. Sending you a big burst of encouragement today - take a deep breath and be amazed and thankful for the many mountains you have already climbed in the last 3 weeks. You are amazing - and you have conquered so much in such a short time. I can't believe you are already getting in a car - good job girl - you are the epitome of girl power! So proud of you working so hard in rehab. It takes guts to take this journey on with the will that you have. God is good and your reliance on his strength is awesome. Take time this weekend to rest - to tackle another week. Praying for your extended family as well that they will have comfort and peace.
    Lots of love and hugs to you all,

  7. We just wanted to let you know that we're cheering your successes and praying for your continued strength and healing. You're an inspiration, Sandra!

    Your neighbours,
    Len and Anna

  8. Praying that God will continue moving on your behalf and to give you the peace that surpasses 'all understanding". I am praying for your healing because the word says God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Sprit and with power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He can heal you and I am praying that he will heal you.

  9. I have been praying for you daily! My thoughts are often with you, too. I wonder, at times, what I could do to encourage you ... then I read your blog and "I" FEEL ENCOURAGED through YOUR strength! God is certainly using YOU at this time to speak to so many people. You are truly an inspiration. I am cheering you on these days, as you progress beyond everyone's expectations!

    Hugs, Eunice Stephens
