Hebrews 12:1-3

Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Go SENS Go ....NOT!

Go SENS Go. Well I can't say that I have been cheering them on. My surgery got postponed because they made the playoffs.  Dr. Chow my surgeon is also the Ottawa Senators doctor and had to postpone my surgery in order to travel and be available for them.  At first I was a little upset, I had myself mentally prepared and had started to get things organized at home for that date. But I understand that this has been in God’s hands from the start and He must have something up His sleeve.  So I have to trust that this is the right thing and I will have my surgery when it’s His perfect time.

It’s hard to believe that Mother’s Day is just a few days away which will mark my one year anniversary of my accident.  A lot has happened in this year. God continues to give me my daily supply of grace. There have definitely been some hard days and not so hard days. I pray with expectation knowing that God can heal me; I pray that He chooses to glorify Himself in this way.  Until that day I pray that He will continue to give me the strength, that He would reveal Himself to me every morning carrying me through that day. I pray that He will continue to go before me, walk beside me and to give Mike and I the wisdom and discernment needed in our thoughts and decisions.   God has worked a miracle in allowing me to see Dr. Chow and for me to be able to have my surgery as quickly as I am and I know that He will continue.  
I am continuing to do Physio twice a week; I go on my bike five times a week along with a list of other things to help keep me healthy through this process. I want to make sure that I am doing my part so that God can do His. I was reading a book and in it they said to Pray as though it was up to God and work as though it was up to you.  I’m ready! Now I just have to wait on Him and for His perfect timing to heal me completely.
Wishing all you mom’s out there a Happy Mother’s Day.
Big Hug Sandra


  1. We are still praying, sweetie!

    Love you!

    Wood and Marie xoxo

  2. Sandra, I've been thinking of you every day, especially leading up to this anniversary date. I can't imagine how hard it is to approach this 1 year mark. My heart goes out to you Sandra. I continue to pray that you will be healed and you will get up and walk out of that chair forever. I know that God can heal you and I believe in miracles.
    I don't even know what else to say - I am just heart broken for you and Mike for the way this accident has changed your life.
    I am sending love and strength your way and praying for peace and comfort - and HEALING!!
    Love and prayers,
    Keri xo

  3. I thank God for you and your faith in God who loves us more than we will ever know. I love how you trust Him and rest in Him. His ways are not our ways, but they are best ... and I see that you live this! May God continue to be your everything as you continue on this journey called Life. Love Darlene Fast

  4. It has been a long while since I have written. You need to know that you are not forgotten. Duncan & I are still praying. We never forget. We love to read your updates and with each one, we are encouraged. You have come a very long way in one year. Never, never give up. We will never stop praying. We can understand your concerns with regard to the surgery. Remember Who is in control. And remember that many people are praying for you. God bless you Sandra, Mike and your 2 beautiful children.

    Brenda and Duncan

  5. Sandra, your words are such a blessing to me and no doubt to many others. You have indeed a unique platform to tell us what trust is all about, and even though it's tough to go through this roller coaster experience, you give us courage to face our own trials. So thank you for sharing with us from you heart...Love you, Irene

  6. I so admire your positive spirit! And I definitely agree with the line that says "Pray as though it was up to God and work as though it was up to you". We keep on praying for a complete healing and in the meantime we keep on bringing Glory to Him by serving and giving Him our best. Amen!

  7. Just back - checking in after spending ten days with friends who have been visiting from the UK.
    My prayers are still with you as you await God's timing for the next surgery date.
    You might not have that yet, but you do have the assurance that HIS timing is perfect. So as you wait - 'be still and know that HE is God' and that HE is with you.
    Loving you always through prayers to our Fathers throne......Val.xx
