Hebrews 12:1-3

Do you see what this means—all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Follow Up!

I just had another follow up appointment with Dr. Chow on Thursday. I started off by having a xray done and than Dr. Chow reviewed it with me. He was pleased at the results. Everything looked good and solid. The bone grafts have taken and healed well.
He encouraged me to continue to do as much physio as possible as the next 2 years are crucial for any type of recovery. Even when I'm not doing Physiotherpy I can be focusing on trying to move my legs and feet. Sending the signal down as much as possible. Activating the nerves as much as possible. Motor function goes down from the brain while sensory function goes up. So while I'm trying to move I'm rubbing my legs to help encourage the sensory nerves. 

He has been telling me about a doctor who is doing a trial at the civic. Functional MRI. This can tell you what activity is being passed through the spinal cord. Dr. Chow feels I would be a good candidate and is going to recommend me to her. He is hoping that I would hear from her with in the next month. This is a real pray item as this could really help me in knowing more as to what is or isn't working. I am scheduled to see Dr. Chow again in Nov. 

Thanks for all your prayers and support. Please be praying that I will be able to participate in this trial and that my motor and sensory function will continue to heal. Praying that God will heal me completely and that one day soon I will be walking again. 
Hugs Sandra

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cottage Life...for Real!

As time goes on my pain has been getting better and better. Keeping up with my physiotherapy has helped keep my shoulder and back stretched out. This past week I find that I've been able to be a little more active and not having to take my pain medication as much.

Mike is off this week and we are spending our time up at the cottage. One of the goals I have been working towards in Physio is to strengthen my core enough so that I would be able to try kayaking. Well I was able to do it! 
Yesterday, Mike, Julia and Carla got me into a double kayak and I paddled with Mike all the way to my sister in laws cottage. This is about 1 km round trip. Today I was back in.  Not only does it feel great but it’s a great work out as well. I was also able to get in for a swim; it was very comfortable and relaxing, just to feel the water around me.  Who knows what the rest of the week holds.

Thank you to all who have been praying for me. I know God has a perfect plan for my life, I pray that healing me completely is part of His plan. 

Hugs, Sandra

I actually was able to paddle for both of us part of the way!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Has it been six weeks already?

Well it’s been six weeks since my surgery. Over all everything has gone well. I've been able to get back into physiotherapy, and my therapist(s) have been happy with my progress. Much of my pain has been diminishing, although two weeks ago I started to get some aches and discomfort again. Similar to what I was having before but when I would transfer or move in a certain way I get a real sharp pain to the point of tears. Mike and I started to get a little concerned along with my therapist’s and they encouraged me to contact Dr. Chow.I called his office on the 25th and although he was on holidays he’s nurse contacted him and he said that he would be back in the city on the 1st and would like to see me. God continues to show his blessing on my life.

So I went int to see Dr. Chow on the 1st. He explained that during surgery he has to cut the muscle to get at the spine. He then has to stitch that muscle back together. These stitches take 4-6 weeks to dissolve and when that happens the nerves with in the muscle, are aggravated during any movement I do. This is what is producing the constant ache and sharp pain that I'm having. This can take up to 6 months before it's resolved. I need to work hard at strengthening the muscle. 

He encouraged me to continue with physio and gave me some specific instructions as to some exercise that he wants 
me to do. This will help that large shoulder muscle to get stronger. He said to push as much as I am comfortable with it. That at this point I'm not going to harm myself, "if it hurts, slow down". He also gave me some drugs to help me get over this hump. I return to see him on the 22nd and at that time I;ll have an x-ray and he suspects that ll is good. He wants to make sure that the bone grafts are healing well.

I have to say I'm a little disappointed and frustrated at times. I don't understand why God has not healed me yet but overall I am doing well. I know my God is taking care of all my needs. I continue to pray that I will honor and glorify Him in all things. (Harder said than done)  I don't know His ways but I know I can rest in Him because He has the perfect plan for me. (I just wish He would let me in on it) In the gospel of John when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, they roll away the stone and Jesus lifted up His eyes and said (John 11:41) "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me" Jesus was thankful before the miracle. So I am thanking God for what He is about to do. Heal me completely! Thank you for coming along side of me and praying with and for me. Hugs Sandra