On Thursday night we picked up our van that has the hand controls added. We are very excited to get her back on the road, it gives her one more step of independence. We still need a few more items added but as it is I can send her off on her own and she just needs a little help getting her chair out at her destination. When the rest of the equipment comes in that will be another exciting step.
I have saved the bests for last, in theropy on Friday and today Sandra has had a little voluntary movement, a true answer to prayer. It has occurred when she is in a supported standing position, able to weight shift to aside then move her opposite leg forward and back approximentally 2 inches and was able to do this with both legs. The movement is instigating with her glutes but also appear to be involving her quads, it isn't a functional movement but a movement none the less. We are excited for this and continue to be thankful for every bit of recovery made.
So please keep in prayer these few things,
1) the movement is including the quads and that it continues to gain strength
2) Sandra's nerve pain and spasms to decrease so she can remain off medication and sleep better
3) keep her spirits up as it is easy to get down
Have a great night, Mike